Sunday 15 April 2018

What have you learned from audience feedback?

Feedback i received was verbal feedback from people after they had seen the film when it was finished. This was not ideal but we couldn't show anyone beforehand because it had taken longer than expected to edit and upload. Looking back it would've been beneficial to get some constructive criticism before it was finished in order to fix the problems.

However, when it was uploaded i gained some verbal feedback. I asked some questions about the film. First i gained their first impression. Then i asked a few questions:

Can you identify the genre?

How did you identify it?

What did you find interesting?

What would need to be improved?

The main criticism was that it wasn't easy to see what the plot was, even though it was identifiable as a horror the plot itself was too ambiguous.When you make a film it's hard to see how the audience will interpret it even though you know what is going on,the audience may be confused.

The majority of people could identify that it was a horror film. They said it was identifiable by the music and the hooded figures as they were typical of the horror genre. 

Some good points that were identified were that the film was still a horror without being overly gory and there was also a comment that the lack of dialogue was a good choice as having words may have made it look amateurish. 

There was a mixture of opinion over the ambiguity. On one hand, some found that the ambiguity made them think about what was happening but on the other hand, it was overly confusing and the plot was hard to follow.

After this, I re watched it as an external viewer and agreed that it was confusing however, I'm not sure how it could be made clearer without changing the whole film entirely although, film should be open to audience perception so that it can be more relatable to the individual.

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What have you learned from audience feedback?

Feedback i received was verbal feedback from people after they had seen the film when it was finished. This was not ideal but we couldn...