Wednesday 14 June 2017

Horror: What comes to mind?

Top 4 things that come to mind when I think about the horror genre:
  • Gore
  • The supernatural
  • Young children
  • Fear and jump scares

Thematic (Inner form) - this includes themes, morals and characters
  • Ghosts/the paranormal/psychics
  • Sadistic killers
  • Religion/ demons/possession
  • Death
Iconography (Outer form) - Location, mise en scene
  • Dark lighting/scenery
  • Mysterious
  • Common props: dolls, wind up toys, mirrors and blood etc.
Example of these forms:

How do we know 'The Red Balloon' is horror?

Inner form -
Small child is able to talk to the villain
Home alone vulnerable character
Killer on the loose
Going back into the house

Outer form -
Dark/ night time
Dolls & toys

Without these forms the genre of the film would be unclear, therefore the audience will not know how to react appropriately causing dissatisfaction. When audiences go to see a horror, they excpect to see certain tropes and conventions and if these are not there they will not enjoy the films.

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