Friday 30 June 2017

Uses and gratifications

  • People use the media to get specific gratifications
  • In the hypodermic needle theory, it suggests consumers have no say in how the media influences them
  • The main idea of this theory is that people are not helpless victims to the media but use the media to fulfill particular needs
When we use the media it is suggested we want to fulfill one of these things:

  1. Identification - being able to recognise the person or product in front of us, we have similar values or ideas as us
  2. Education - to provide us with knowledge, information and understanding
  3. Entertainment - It entertains but also gives some escapism to the viewer enabling u to forget our worries
  4. Social interaction - We like to watch things that spark debate or conversation (who left X-Factor this week)
In the case of horror movies its likely most people watch the movies for entertainment or escapism. Identification could be another for those who commit crime after watching the horror movies.

Some crticise this theory as it allows the media to take little responsibility over what they show on TV or in movies it also suggests the media have no unconscious influence on our views of the world but in more recent times we have more choice in what we watch and what can influence us. 

Why do people enjoy horror?

According to a 2004 paper by Dr. Glenn Walters, the three primary factors that make horror films alluring to audiences are tension (generated by suspense, mystery, terror, shock, and gore), relevance (that may relate to personal relevance, cultural meaningfulness, the fear of death), and  unrealism. 

According to another psychologist there are 4 main reasons we watch horror movies

  1. Gore watching - people with low empathy and identify with killer (if viewer is male)
  2. Thrill watching - High empathy and identify with victim
  3. Independent watching - High empathy and high positive effect for overcoming fear
  4. Problem watching - High victim empathy but characterized by negative effect.In other words, they felt the helplessness of the character

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