Friday 14 July 2017

Stuart Fischoff PHD

Movie monsters, horror movies and spine tingling thrillers provide food for our imaginations nourishment. We consciously; deliberately put away the rich fears of childhood as we acquire knowledge and temper irrational fears with rational self talk.

We fulfill the adultified expectations of our adult peers, we relinquish many of our superstitions with science based explanations. However, it's argued that our imagination is diminished and tamed in blandness

Childhood fears never disappear and live as a subconscious archetype

Fischoff had several theories on why so many of us flock to the cinema to watch the latest horror

  1. Lifestyle - The individual wants to be scared but have a safe scare, what happens in the movie will not happen to them in real life. We seek excitement and we need to have our brain periodically revving like an engine                                                                                                              
  2. Personality factors - Sensitizers vs repressors. Sensitizers like to confront their fears whereas repressors like to avoid their fears                                                                                                           
  3. Physiology - We have a need for stimulation, we are thrill seeking and enjoy the fear we get from horror movies. Numerous studies show how the more negative the effect was on the audience member the more they enjoyed the movie

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