Monday 3 July 2017

Tzvetan Todorov

He studied classic fairy tales and stories and found that narratives move forward in chronological order with one action following the other

A clear beginning middle and end

He also suggested that characters would change through the narrative and this would be demonstrated in the resolution.

The steps:

  1. Equilibrium - A happy start, the majority of the characters are content
  2. Disruption - This is where a problem starts, disruption of happiness
  3. Realisation - Everyone realises there is a problem and it becomes chaotic
  4. Restored order - The characters attempt to restore order and repair damage
  5. Equilibrium -  Problem is resolved and everything goes back to normal

Most episodes of Sherlock follow this traditional narrative structure.
  1. Sherlock and Watson are relaxing at the start of the episode
  2. then an action or character will do something that creates a case for them to solve
  3. They begin their quest to find a solution and apprehend the villain.
  4. The narrative continues until they confront the villain at the climax.
  5. Once the disruption is resolved and the equilibrium is restored, Sherlock and Watson can relax again.

Unconventional narratives

A non linear narrative will move backwards and forwards in time, flashbacks and flash forwards

A circular narrative starts at the end of a story, the audience doesn't really know what's happening till the end of the film

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What have you learned from audience feedback?

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