Monday 20 November 2017

Filming aspects

Shooting material

We decided to call our short film 'Infernum' This is the latin word for hell. It is a trope of horror to have a one word word title and for it to be related to death, hell, demons etc.

Plot: A young girl suddenly loses her father, she is then orphaned. She is driven to suicide but before she can carry out her plan, she experiences numerous, unexplainable hallucinations.

  • Gothic and psychological genre
  • Ambigous ending
  • Still shots and close ups to show reaction and emotion
  • Long shots and extreme long shots to set the scene 
  • Dark clothing - Victorian style
  • Majority is set in the field with the exception of the first scene which is set in a bedroom
  • There will also be a dark filter over the top of the film to connote a sense of sadness and doom

  • Filters
  • Layering
  • transitions
  • a mixture of very long and very short takes for suspense
We want to experiment with the editing, try to explore different techniques to make the hallucinations look effective and impact the audience. Possibly using independent, experimental films like 'A Field in England' for inspiration.


  • Moments of silence
  • Enhanced sounds eg the wind
  • Lots of string instruments
The music will be created via garage band on the macs so we can get an original sound that fits specifically with our film and add in extra effects to create suspense. 

1 comment:

  1. Good, Brooke. You now need to accelerate your planning and begin filming and editing.


What have you learned from audience feedback?

Feedback i received was verbal feedback from people after they had seen the film when it was finished. This was not ideal but we couldn...